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We’ve all done it. No matter who I talk to, an entrepreneur starting out or a seasoned business owner, they’ve told me that they’ve compared themselves to others. From wanting to travel more to growing our Instagram followers to making more money, we are often striving for more.

Comparing yourself can sometimes motivate you to pursue your goals. However, you must be careful that it’s not causing you to feel like a failure or not good enough. Instead, take a look at yourself and your strengths, gifts, and talents.

Steps to stop comparing:

On the positive side, there are some things you can do to shift your negative thoughts so you don’t spiral into a negative space. Here are five steps you can take to stop comparing yourself:

1. Acknowledge your feelings and emotions. First, you are human. Emotions are real. Many times you may be unconsciously comparing yourself to others.  Once you become aware of your how you feel, it will be easier to recognize when comparing yourself negatively begins to appear.

2. Stop yourself. Now that you are aware of your actions, it’s time to stop yourself. Don’t allow yourself to think negatively or get down on yourself. Instead, you want to shift your focus.

3. Practice gratitude. Remind yourself of everything that you’ve already accomplished. I’m a firm believer in counting your blessings. Every morning, when I wake up, I immediately take out my gratitude journal and write for three to five minutes. Check out the blog post, the “Appreciation Game” to learn how to stop negative talk and live your dreams.

4. Love yourself. You have your own unique strengths and purpose in life. This is what makes you stand out. This is part of your personal brand. It’s important that you realize how special you are and that you are good enough. It’s not about being arrogant. Instead, it’s about realizing your gifts and talents. It’s important to celebrate you!

3. Focus on your own journey. Don’t let comparison steal your joy. Really, you are only competing against yourself. You can achieve your goals and dreams. When you begin focusing on your “why”, you will gain more happiness and shine even brighter – on and offline.

 Do you ever compare yourself to others? If so, how do you stop yourself?