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Google Alerts can improve your personal brand

Google Alerts can be your eyes and ears.

There’s a saying, “you can’t be everywhere at once”. I disagree a bit with this thought process when it comes to your personal brand. Let me explain why.

I’m not saying that you can be everywhere.

However, with the versatile and time-saving tool, Google Alerts, you can be almost everywhere at once. You can have a constant view of what is being said about you, your website and products/services on the internet.

What is Google Alerts?

I’ve been a pretty big fan of Google apps for many years.

In my opinion, Google Alerts just might be one of the best-kept secrets. In addition, it’s also one of my favorite Google apps.

Google Alerts is like having your own customized Google Search.

It’s important to know what’s being said about your brand. Both the good and not-so-good mentions. Google Alerts gives you the opportunity to customize your search topics and receive search results automatically through this tool.

As of this publication date, you can receive up to 1000 alerts per email address. 

Can I use this tool as an online media monitoring service?

You see, during my 20+ years career as a marketing and communications professional, the companies and organizations that I worked for, valued the importance of media monitoring services.

Top companies understand the link between brand management and building a strong brand. In fact, they often pay top-dollar for staff, agencies, and tools that can provide real-time news.

So, if you are looking to build and improve your personal brand, it’s important to know what your audience is saying about you.

The great news, Google Alerts, can help. This tool helps you listen to conversations and better manage your online presence.

How can these search results help me improve my personal brand?

Below are eight ways to use Google Alerts to improve your personal brand:

  1. Seeing who is linking to your content
  2. Tracking important conversations about you, your business or niche
  3. Responding quickly to customer complaints
  4. Hearing positive news from raving fans
  5. Analyzing how you brand is perceived online to manage your online presence and adjust your strategy
  6. Getting content ideas for your niche
  7. Monitoring what your competitors are doing and staying ahead
  8. Leveraging good news for speaking, job opportunities, and sponsorships

How do I set up Google Alerts?

So, here’s a quick video tutorial to understand how to set up account and manage your personal brand even more.

Does Google Alerts monitor social networks?

Although this versatile tool doesn’t monitor social networks, it can aid in specific mentions on Google’s search engine. 

If you want to receive alerts on social media, there are several services and tools that can help. One of my “go-to” tools is Mention, which offers a free and paid service. The platform can help with services such as: online media monitoring, social media listening, social media marketing, brand/reputation management and competitive analysis. 

In conclusion, Google Alerts can save you time, help you stay up to date on news, strengthen your keyword strategy, and give you a marketing advantage.

If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, consider leveraging this tool to shine even brighter. 

What’s your experience been when using Google Alerts? How could you use this tool to improve your personal brand even more?