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Do It Just Because You Want To

I constantly encourage my children, family members, friends, and clients to move past fears in order to become their best selves. To dig deep to better understand their “why” – their purpose in life – and how to use their inner gifts to pursue their passion, dreams, and goals. It’s one of the first steps to build the brand and life that they love.

Yet, I’m also on my own journey of self-discovery. As a result, I have realized that we often cling to what feels easy, good or comfortable. However, I often need to push myself outside of my own comfort zone. 

Sometimes, we put limitations on ourselves. We don’t really do what we want to do. Perhaps, we even overthink the process.

For instance, have you ever heard that little inner voice, that says “Do it just because you want to”?

Now, I’m not talking about doing things that are normally viewed as dangerous, harmful, illegal or immoral. Instead, I found that we don’t often discuss how listening to that inner self can be beneficial. However, we can move past fears, resulting in more happiness and freedom.

But, taking the next step to do what we want, doesn’t always come easy. Could we fear change or not trust our own wisdom? It may be an area of life that we can explore even more.

Reasons to trust your intuition

By trusting our intuition and listening to our inner self, we can:

  • Discover our passions, interests, and desires
  • Have freedom
  • Become more confident
  • Avoid negative people or experiences

So, the next time you hear you hear your inner voice saying, “You have always believed ___, but you really want to ___,” you can recognize your purest intention and listen to yourself.

In conclusion, don’t be afraid to give yourself permission to do what you want and honor yourself. You’ll begin to realize that you are important and what you want also matters.

By listening to your inner voice, you are taking a critical step to embrace your authentic true self and live a purposeful life. Your inner voice speaks to you in subtle ways. Listen to it.

How do you recognize and listen to your inner voice?

Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash