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Brand journal for authenticity

Brand Authenticity

Lately, I hear the buzzwords “authentic” and “authenticity” wherever I turn. Does it mean being “true to yourself”, “original” or genuine? In terms of branding, authenticity is the communication of values and beliefs that are at the center of the brand. Authenticity is what makes a brand unique and distinctive.

However, as in recent years, studies continue to show that Americans are trusting news media outlets less and less. In fact, findings from the May 2017 Media Insight Project indicates that17 percent of Americans rank the news media as “very accurate.” On the contrary, 34 percent say the same about the news media they use often.

As consumers turn away from news media, they can be found turning to other’s whom they trust. From parents to spouses to co-workers, consumers are turning to and resonating with the people “behind” or associated with the brand. The ways consumers are viewing authenticity is shifting. Authenticity is not actually in the hands of businesses. Instead, consumers are shaping the definition of “authenticity”. Consumer needs, wants, and obstacles are all part of the process.

You may be wondering as an industry leader, entrepreneur or professional, “How can I show more of my true, be more authentic?”

Here are three ways you can move closer to authenticity:

1. Create a brand journal

It’s time to be real with yourself. Find a quiet space and use your journal to begin reflecting on your personal brand. Take a moment to write what authenticity looks like currently with your brand. What would you like your brand to look like in six months? Keep in mind that your customers define authenticity for your brand.

2. Write like you speak

When you take this approach, you will are able to share your brand voice.Your words will involve more emotion. It will allow you to connect with your audience on a deeper level. The more they hear your “voice”, the more they will recognize it as yours.

3. Delete content that doesn’t look or sound like you

Your audience will see right through anything that doesn’t feel like it is part of you. Does your content portray your values, mission, goals and brand personality? Conducting a personal brand audit will allow you to exam all areas of your brand, including content. Social media is a great way to connect with consumers. However, if your brand voice is not authentic, you are wasting time (and money).

One of the first steps to personal branding success is to show your “authentic” self in every interaction – online and offline. As you incorporate these three approaches, your brand will begin to be more “authentic” and adaptable. Your audience will begin to trust you. Remember, it’s important that you aren’t just saying you’re “authentic”, but that you’re being “authentic.”

Please leave a comment below to let me know how the brand exercise went for you!