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A magical past can lead to a transformative future.

Born and raised in Barberton, Ohio, also known as the “Magic City”, Tayloria Grant is a holistic coach, supportive teacher, and spirited speaker. Once challenged with feeling different and not fitting in, she now realizes what it means to embrace your unique self to fulfill your life’s purpose. Through clarity and communication, Tayloria helps hundreds of people around the world transform their fear into confidence, so they can create a personal brand that fully aligns with their inner magic, while living a happier and more meaningful life.

She is the founder of One Full Life International, a company specializing in personal branding and content creation.

Tayloria knows the power of authentically connecting with your audience and effectively sharing your message. She brings “best practices” from her 20+ years in public relations and marketing for government, not-for-profit, and corporate organizations. From coaching spokespeople to appear on all major TV networks to raising millions for cancer research to preparing clients to secure their dream jobs, Tayloria is a trusted advisor.

Connect to your inner magic.

Her greatest joy comes through empowering conscious, high achievers to transform their lives by embracing their purpose, unlocking their gifts, sharing their story, and living life fully. Tayloria teaches how to create a personal brand that fully aligns with you and attracts your soul clients.

In Fall 2021, Tayloria’s first book will be released. Always compassionate, an eternal learner, and never one to turn down a good Italian meal, she enjoys deeply connecting with beings of every kind.

When she isn’t writing or teaching others how to create successful brands, you can find her cheering on her three children, chatting with friends in Italian, making gumbo, or dancing to her latest Spotify playlist. 

You can get free, easy, and practical tips for building an irresistible brand that attracts loyal followers on Facebook or Instagram.